Researchers from Lund University in Sweden, and others, have established a more effective technique in the search for clues about dark matter in the universe. They can now analyze much greater amounts of the data generated at CERN.
At the CERN research facility, a long series of experiments is ongoing, on protons colliding in the LHC accelerator at almost the speed of light. The quantity of data is frequently swelling, as the accelerator's capacity improves.

Nevertheless, it is more difficult to process and store the vast amounts of data that are produced. This is why there is a nonstop assessment of which data the researchers should examine more closely. The hope is to find signs of previously unknown particles that could be carriers of forces that could make a link between visible and dark matter.
The research community has long been probing for answers about the mysterious dark matter that makes up a large part of our universe. Only five per cent of the universe is matter that we are presently able to observe and measure. The remaining 95 per cent is unmapped and mentioned to as dark matter and dark energy.